If you’re thinking of learning Python — or if you recently started learning it — you may be asking yourself: “What exactly can I use Python for?” Well that’s a tricky question to answer, because there are so many applications for Python. But over time, I have...
Curriculum for ages 9-14 The activities below introduce students to computer science and the programming language Scratch. Different themes attract and engage students of varying backgrounds and interests. All materials are free and easy to use. Sample activities...
“Do I give (kid’s name) something educational, or something fun?” As parents, relatives, and friends of people with children, we face this question every holiday season, birthday, etc. – because no matter the occasion, we’re torn between pleasing the...
“Good morning, Mr. Kelley!” Over the past year, I’ve enjoyed hearing this cheerful greeting from my students at the start of every class. No, I’m not a teacher; I’m a Senior Java Developer at Atlassian. But this year, I’ve been able to teach kids computer science...
I’m a 16-year veteran of the tech world, a “recovering coder,” and the mother of a 6-year-old girl. And if I was looking at tech from the outside, I would be freaked the F out right about now. The headlines about women in tech have been bleak these past few years....
If you have young children like I do between the ages of 5-10 you’re probably all too familiar with the Minecraft craze and may even have the books and foam toys related to Minecraft in your home. In the interest of trying to find some educational value out of...
Years ago, Grace Francisco was taking apart computers and teaching herself computer science. Today, she is the VP of Developer Relations at Roblox and mother to two girls. Though she was the first woman on many of the software teams she’s worked on, Grace is not the...
Coding is to be introduced into the national curriculum, but two thirds of parents know nothing about it. Nat Welch/ CC One of the biggest overhauls of the national curriculum in 14 years is to come into affect from Monday, 1 September as information and...