Internship Program
STEM Class at Oneonta Montessori
Teaching elementary students how to code. Teaching elementary students Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides.
STEM Class at Oneonta Montessori
Teaching elementary students how to code.
Technology Class at Oneonta Montessori
Teaching Elementary students how to code.
Launching Terraform WP Site with AWS
To begin with, Terraform allows you to manage and automate your infrastructure and the services that are on there. Terraform is also an IaC, or an Infrastructure as Code, which means that the infrastructure can largely be managed through code. When paired with another...
GitLab-managed Terraform state
Introduced in GitLab 13.0. Terraform uses state files to store details about your infrastructure configuration. With Terraform remote backends, you can store the state file in a remote and shared store. GitLab provides a Terraform HTTP backend to securely store your... DevOps Courses
Deploying to AWS with Terraform and Ansible: HashiCorp Certified Terraform Associate: Using Terraform to...
Kubernetes Resources
Udemy course: LinkedIn Learning course: Coursera course: Educative course:...
Terraform Resources
Here is a free YouTube resource: Udemy course: Coursera course: Educative course:...
Zoom Launches Tools Focused on Post-Lockdown Health, Safety
Zoom Video Communications Inc. on Wednesday announced new features aimed in part at helping information-technology leaders manage the health and safety of employees who are gradually returning to the physical office. Some of the features work with hardware designed...